@misc{PHP_Research._Redaktor_Germany_1945, author={PHP Research. Redaktor}, copyright={Public Domain}, address={[Miejsce nieznane]}, journal={GSGS Misc}, howpublished={online}, year={1945}, publisher={[wydawca nieznany]}, language={eng}, language={fre}, language={ger}, title={Germany zones of occupation : international frontiers 1937- international boundaires 1941. Map "D", MAP "D" annexed to the Agreement of 26th July, 1945 = Allemagne zones d'occupation : frontiers internationales de 1937 - limites interieure de 1941. Carte "D", CARTE "D" jointe en annexe à l'Accord du 26 juillet 1945}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/Content/89939/PDF/WA51_93880_PAND3303-3-r1945_Germany-zones-map-D.pdf}, keywords={political-administrative maps, political and administrative divisions, Germany, World War II}, }