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[The newlyweds and wedding guests] [An iconographic document]
Date issued/created: Description:The photo depicts a young couple and wedding guests. There are two couples in the first row. Sitting in the middle are a man and a woman; probably the newlyweds - although the woman is in a dark dress; she is holding a flower bouquet in her hands. The man is dressed in a suit with a flower rosette in the lapel of his jacket; he is holding white gloves in his hand. A man in a suit is sitting on the right; a woman in a bright dress is sitting on the left. Seven people in festive clothes - wedding guests - are standing in the second row. According to the photo's owner, it depicts her father at a wedding - he is the first one from the right sitting in a chair. The photo was taken before the outbreak of the II WW ; The photo sent to the contest named “Photography of the Polish village pre-1948” organized in 1983 by the quarterly “Fotografia” (Photography) and the weekly “Nowa Wieś” (New village). Copy of the photo kept at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (former Institute for the History of Material Culture)
Type of object: Subject and Keywords:ethnography ; social culture ; spiritual culture ; material culture ; wedding ; newlyweds ; wedding customs ; social bonds ; clothing
Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Format: Source: Rights:Rights Reserved - Restricted Access
Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Projects co-financed by:Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund