Object structure

Dwu(wielo)języczny teatr w zglobalizowanym kontekście brytyjskim, czyli o różnych stylach dramatu migracyjno-transkulturowego


Teksty Drugie Nr 3 (2016)


Grossman, Elwira M.



Place of publishing:


Date issued/created:



21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary

Type of object:


Subject and Keywords:

Polish-Scottish migration theatre in Great Britain ; transcultural drama and theatre ; bi(multi)lingual theatre ; intercultural communication ; cosmopolitan cultural belonging ; kosmopolityczna kulturowa przynależność


1. Balcerzan, Edward, „Jedno- oraz dwu(wielo)języczność literackich „światów”, „Teksty Drugie” 2009, nr 6, s. 9-20.
2. Ball, Mieke, Translating Translation „Journal of Visual Culture” 2007, vol. 6, nr 1, s. 109-124.
3. Blacker, Uilleam, Bloody East Europeans (2015) [maszynopis w posiadaniu E. Grossman].
4. Cavendish, Dominic, The Polish Play: such a sweet shambles, review, “The Telegraph”, 6 February, 2008.
5. Cavendish, Dominic, ”Tu i Teraz” (Here & Now) on-line review: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/drama/3670988/The-Polish-Play-Such-a-sweet-shambles.html [10 IX 2015].
6. Fisher, Mark, Dramatic Escape from No-Man’s Land, review, “The Scotsman”, 27 May 2007.
7. Fisher, Mark, A Most Civil Arrangement/Jordan, theatre review, “The Scotsman”, 14 May 2010.
8. Grossman, Elwira. M, “Towards the Literature of Transcultural Idioms: Ewa/Eva Stachniak and Lisa Appignanesi” w: Displaced Women, pod red. L. Aiello, J. Charnley i M. Palladino. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2014, s. 61-69.
9. Grossman, Elwira. M, „Kategoria polskości w formacie transkulturowym” w: Literatura polska w świecie, tom IV pod red. Romualda Cudaka, Wydawnictwo GNOME, Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice, 2012, s. 361-371.
10. Gubar, Susan, Poetry after Auschwitz. Remembering What One Never Knew, Indiana University Press, Bloomington & Indianapolis, 2003.
11. Hooks, bell, “Language. Teaching New Worlds/New Words”, w: Teaching to Transgress, Routledge, New York-London, 1994, s. 167-175.
12. McMillan, Joyce, Hear Me, review, „The Scotsman”, 8 May 2009.
13. Nelson, Daniel, Here and Now: A Story of Poles in Britain, review on-line: http://www.nicolawerenowska.co.uk/nicolawerenowska.co.uk/Recent_events.html [10 IX 2015].
14. Nussbaum, Martha, Creating Capabilities. The Human Development Approach. The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, Cambridge-London, 2011.
15. Oltermann, Philip, In Praise of …. The Polish Language, “The Guardian”, 6 March 2015.
16. Pirker, Eva Ulrike, You Think You Know Me But You Don’t – An Introduction, w: “Facing the East in The West”, red. Barbara Korte, E. U. Pirker and Sissy Helff, Rodopi, Amsterdam-New York, 2010.
17. Rabizo-Birek, Magdalena, red. O poezji, nostalgii, krytykach i kryteriach rozmawiają Bogdan Czaykowski i Adam Czerniawski, Polski Fundusz Wydawniczy w Kanadzie-Stowarzyszenie Literacko-Artystyczne „Fraza”, Toronto-Rzeszów 2006.
18. Readhead, Sarah, The Polish Play review, “The List”, 24 April, 2008.
19. Seyhan, Azade, Writing Outside the Nation, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NY 2001.
20. Strade, Gavin, The Polish Play (2008) [maszynopis w posiadaniu E. Grossman].
21. Tremain, Rose, The Road Home, Vintage Books, London, 2007.
22. Werenowska, Nicola, Tu i Teraz (‘Here and Now’), Playdead Press, Portsmouth, UK, 2013.
23. Zajac, Mathew, Dogstar Theatre Company, “The Scotsman”, 25 May 2007.


Teksty Drugie



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0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2016.3.4


IBL PAN, call no. P.I.2524 ; click here to follow the link



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Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS

Projects co-financed by:

Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund





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