Object structure

Spider fauna (Araneae) of the Sieraków Landscape Park (Central Poland) – preliminary data


Spider fauna of Sierakowski Landscape Park, Greater Poland ; Pierwsze dane na temat pająków (Araneae) Sierakowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego


Oleszczuk, Maria


Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:


Date issued/created:



53-60 p. : ill. ; 24 cm

Type of object:


Subject and Keywords:

araneofauna ; crop fields ; ecotone ; forest ; lake ; habitat disturbances


The paper presents preliminary data on araneofauna of the selected habitats in the Sieraków Landscape Park, where spiders have not yet been studied. The fauna was sampled by sweep net and pitfall trap methods in crop fields, forest and in the ecotone zones: forest/crop field and forest/lake. It was found 44 spider species and four genera represented by young specimens, i.e. Metellina sp., Neriene sp., Haplodrassus sp. and Xysticus sp. The largest number of taxa (24) was found in the forest/lake ecotone, and the smallest one (10) in the crop field, 200 m distant from the forest. The recorded spiders belong to the common species, but they were characteristic for their biotopes.


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