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Absolute population numbers of Cicadella viridis ; Próba wyznaczenia bezwzględnej liczebności populacji Cicadella viridis L. na tle jej piętrowego rozmieszczenia
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 73-98 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 96-97) ; Abstract in Polish
The study was aimed at showing to what extent variations in the number of insects obtained in quantitative samples illustrate the variations in abundance of the whole population living in a meadow habitat, and what the ratio of these two parts of the population is, using a population of Cicadella viridis L. (Auchenorrhyncha - Homoptera) as an example. It was found that the C. viridis population is divided into one part living in the grass layer, and one part living in the litter layer. As a result of the vertical movements of the insects the ratio of these two parts of the population varies during the growing season. The following methods, adapted to the conditions of the study population, were used for calculating absolute population numbers: the Lincoln index and the De Lury graphic method. In addition a method based on the vertical movements of the population and extent of reduction among the insects during the growing season was elaborated and used.
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