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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN


Tytuł: Landscape structure and ecological state of lakes - results of research in Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) including suggestions for its protection

Inny tytuł:

Landscape structure and ecological state of lakes ; Lake-watershed dependences in diversified landscape (Suwałki Landscape Park - north-eastern Poland)


Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii


Oficyna Wydawnicza Instytutu Ekologii PAN

Miejsce wydania:

Dziekanów Leśny


Strony 269-284 : ilustracje ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronach 283-284 ; Streszczenie w języku polskim

Typ obiektu:



The main characters of landscape structure in the area of Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) were pointed out in terms of patch and ecotone pattern as well as its exposure to air pollution and acidification. The antierosional and anti-eutrophication properties of different patches were discussed as well as their proper arrangement in direct watersheds of lakes. The trophic and biotic properties of lakes were listed. The reasons for current slow eutrophication rate of majority of lakes were given and their hazard to further progress of this process was analysed. The requirements for new natural reserves and for enlargement of the existing ones were formulated.


1. Bajkiewicz-Grabowska E. 1993 - Physiogeographical and hydrographical characteristics of Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) - Ekol. pol. 41: 7-26.
2. Bajkiewicz-Grabowska E. 1993 - Assessment of watershed impact and sensitivity of lakes to degradation in Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) - Ekol. pol. 41: 43-52.
3. Błażejczyk K., Grzybowski J. 1993 - Climatic significance of small aquatic surface and characteristic of local climate in the lakeland of the Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) - Ekol. pol. 41: 105-121.
4. Carlson R. E. 1977 - A trophic state index for lakes - Limnol. Oceanogr. 22: 361-369.
5. Hillbricht-Ilkowska A. 1993a - Biogeochemical diversity of fluvial waters and their effect on lake ecosystems in Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) - Ekol. pol. 41: 173-193.
6. Hillbricht-Ilkowska A. 1993b - Phosphorus loading to lakes of Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) and its relation to lake trophy indices - Ekol. pol. 41: 221-236.
7. Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Wiśniewski R. J. 1993 - Trophic differentiation of lakes of the Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) and its protective zone-present state, changes over years position in trophic classification of lakes - Ekol. pol. 41: 195-219.
8. Hryniewicz R., Przybylska G. 1993 – Actual and predicted air pollution and deposition rates of pollutants in north-eastern Poland - Ekol. pol. 41: 75-104.
9. Jachner A. 1989 - Biomanipulacja. IV. Zagęszczenie i aktywność pokarmu ryb planktonożernych [Biomanipulation. IV. Density and feeding activity of planktivorous fish] - Wiad. ekol. 34: 143-163.
10. Karabin A., Ejsmont-Karabin J. 1993 - Zooplankton communities versus lake trophy in the Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) - Ekol. pol. 41: 237-268.
11. Kłosowski S., Tomaszewicz H. 1993 - Analysis of distribution structure and habitat conditions of riparian vegetation in the river-lake system of the upper Szeszupa (Suwałki Landscape Park, north-eastern Poland) - Ekol. pol. 41: 123-156.
12. Mozgawa J. 1993 - Photointerpretation analysis of landscape structure in lake watersheds of Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) - Ekol. pol. 41: 53-73.
13. Ozimek T., Rybak J. I. 1993 - Macrophytes of small water bodies of the Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland) - Ekol. pol. 41: 157-171.
14. Smolska E. 1993 - The dynamic of contemporary merphogenetic processes in the Szeszupa river catchment area (Suwałki Landscape Park, north-eastern Poland) - Ekol. pol. 41: 27-41.
15. Żmudziński L. 1990 - Past and recent occurrence of Malacostraca glacial relicts in Polish lakes - Ann. zool. fenn. 27: 227-230.


Ekologia Polska





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Zasób chroniony prawem autorskim. [CC BY 3.0 PL] Korzystanie dozwolone zgodnie z licencją Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 Polska, której pełne postanowienia dostępne są pod adresem: ; -


Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Lokalizacja oryginału:

Biblioteka Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii PAN

Dofinansowane ze środków:

Program Operacyjny Polska Cyfrowa, lata 2014-2020, Działanie 2.3 : Cyfrowa dostępność i użyteczność sektora publicznego; środki z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz współfinansowania krajowego z budżetu państwa



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14 lis 2019

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