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Pierwsze obserwacje ekologiczne avifauny Półwyspu Helskiego i Zatoki Puckiej


Obserwacje ekologiczne avifauny Półwyspu Helskiego ; First ecological observations of avifauna on Hel peninsula and Puck Bay


Dobrowolski, Kazimierz A.


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

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Strony 67-75 ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronie 74 ; Streszczenie w języku angielskim

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Subject and Keywords:

Helski Półwysep ; Hel ; Pucka Zatoka ; awifauna ; ptaki ; badania ekologiczne ; badania obserwacyjne


Quantitative observations were made of birds on Hel peninsula from July 20th to August 31st 1958. A total of 53 observations was carried out in various environments (the waters of Puck Bay, Baltic coast, coast of Puck Bay, untilled or meadow land, forest), as a result of which it was possible to draw up a list of species of birds observed (83), and to make a preliminary analysis of the group of birds occurring in the various environments. The waters of Puck Bay ave verry poor in birdlife - cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) and wild ducks (Anas sp.) predominate. The coast of Puck Bay, on the contrary, is the habitat of a numerous and heterogeneous group of birds (52 species). The birds occur there in distinct “islands”. Seagulls are encountered in the greatest numbers near human habitations, wild ducks - in the north-eastem part of the Bay and in the thickets near Puck, plovers - in the vicinity of Wielka Wieś, near Chałupy and near Jastarnia. In this environment seagulls are the most numerous (Larus ridibundus predominating over other species), then a large variety of ducks (Anas sp.) and plovers (Charadriiformes).The Baltic coast differs from the above coast in that it is the home of a group of birds poor both as to numbers and variety of species. Seagulls predorninate (mainly Larus fuscus, L. argentatus and canus) and seamews (Sterna sp.). Wading birds occur in small numbers. The beach is a very infertile settlement, with seagulls, crows (Corvus cornix), and a few plovers, Lanius collurio, Oenanthe oenanthe, Motacilla alba.Meadows and marsh-lands form the habitat in which numerous birds of the Passeriformes order gather, a1so wild ducks, herons, plovers, and predators. The forest here is composed almost entirely of pine trees of varying age and compactness. A bare 18 species occurred here, of which Fringilla coelebs, Corvus cornix, Emberiza citrinella predominated, with Lanius collurio occurring on the fringe of the forest. The difference in the composition of the group of birds on the Baltic coast and in the Bay is especially interesting and merits further investigation. The question arises as to whether the species occurring he're form separate populations, or remain in constant contact with each other.


1. Sokołowski J. 1925 - Ciąg ptaków na Helu w roku 1923. - Prace Kom. Mat. -Przyr. Tow. Przyj. Nauk w Poznaniu B. 3.
2. Zimmermann. 1907 - Der Vogelzug auf Hela und anderes dort, nach eigenen Beobachtungen. - Westpreus. Bot. Zool. Ver. Ber. 29.
3. Zimmermann. 1908 - Der Vogelzug auf Hela im Frühjahr und Herbst 1907 und anderes von dort. - Westpreus. Bot. Zool. Ver. Ber. 30.


Ekologia Polska. Seria B





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ISSN 0424-7205


MiIZ PAN, sygn. P.3259 ; click here to follow the link



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Program Operacyjny Polska Cyfrowa, lata 2014-2020, Działanie 2.3 : Cyfrowa dostępność i użyteczność sektora publicznego; środki z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz współfinansowania krajowego z budżetu państwa





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