Rosik Piotr
Kowalczyk Karol
Rozwój infrastruktury drogowej i kolejowej a przesunięcie modalne w Polsce w latach 2000-2010 = Development of road and railway infrastructure in Poland versus modal shift in the years 2000-2010
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<div typeof="CreativeWork" vocab="">
<div property="creator" typeof="Person">
<span property="familyName">Rosik</span>
<span property="givenName">Piotr</span>
<div property="creator" typeof="Person">
<span property="familyName">Kowalczyk</span>
<span property="givenName">Karol</span>
<div property="name">Rozwój infrastruktury drogowej i kolejowej a przesunięcie modalne w Polsce w latach 2000-2010 = Development of road and railway infrastructure in Poland versus modal shift in the years 2000-2010</div>
<time content="2015-01-01" property="dateCreated">cop. 2015</time>