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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = "Photography \(scan from a slide\), heavily damaged. Fragment of tapestry hanging on the wall and the Hindu ornaments and symbols on it. At the top of the left \- the image of Ganesa, the god of prosperity, the two right\-handed swastika \- a symbol of prosperity in Hinduism, dactyl palm, Goddess Lakshmi \- prosperity\) with two elephants around her. In the middle row \- churning of milk \(symbol derived from the myth of the creation of the world\), peacock \(symbol of Rajasthan\). In the bottom row \- lion \/ tiger, caption \"palapadhathau\", the sun, and at the bottom of a gazelle"]

Wyników: 1

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