@misc{Partyka_Józef_Professor_2018, author={Partyka, Józef}, editor={Januszewska-Rusinek, Zofia. Tł.}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 3.0 PL license}, address={Oxford; England}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Archaeopress Archaeology}, language={eng}, abstract={The work presents an examination of the archaeological interest of Professor Jacek Lech in the Valley of Sąspówka; the development and results of his scientific research, particularly in the Neolithic as well as his cooperation with the Ojców National Park in the years 1970–2006. Professor Lech’s first stay in Ojców in 1968 was connected with the archaeology students’ apprenticeship. The beginnings of his interest in this area coincided with the first Paleolithic symposium in 1970. In the following years the Professor carried out the scientific study of the Neolithic flint mine in Sąspów. Within our cooperation we held science symposia together and edited three books on archaeology related to the Valley of Prądnik. The Professor has always been helpful and willing to advise on the Ojców National Park’s publi503-cations, not to mention his support for the Park in its educational activity}, title={Professor Jacek Lech’s Archaeological Interest in Ojców and the Sąspowska Valley}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/130413/PDF/WA308_103556_Professor-Jacek_I.pdf}, keywords={Valley of Sąspówka, Ojców, Ojców National Park}, }