@misc{Mierzwiński_Andrzej_Paleo-landscape_2020, author={Mierzwiński, Andrzej}, volume={65}, editor={Leligdowicz, Andrzej. Tł.}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Archeologia Polski}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The author presents the results of research on a specific type of destruction of pottery from archaeological excavations on a settlement from Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (HaB3–HaD1 dated to the 9th–6th centuries BC) in Kunice, voivodeship Lower Silesia. It is located on one of the few postglacial lakes present till now in Silesia. Analysed were disintegrations in form of separation of pottery walls observed on the coil contacts. Topographic and stratigraphic approach to this phenomenon allowed to show its post-depositional character, recognise the causes, and trace the dynamics of this process. The obtained results indicate that there exists a relationship between the pottery wall separations and the hydrological effects of the impact of climatic factors in the course of the oldest oscillation of the Subatlantic stage, generally humid and cool. They enrich and specify the insight on the scale and impact of hydrological changes on the paleo-landscape. The most important, however, is the appreciation of the cognitive values of the source mass material in studying problems that go beyond the trend present in cultural studies}, title={Paleo-landscape aspects of research on post-depositional processes of destruction of settlement ceramics (Kunice a case study)}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/193041/PDF/WA308_186830_P320_Paleokrajobrazowe_I.pdf}, keywords={pottery destruction, stratification process, lake transgressions, paleo-landscape, Silesia, HaB-HaD1 (9th–6th centuries BC)}, }