@misc{Vojtas_Martin_Battlefield_2023, author={Vojtas, Martin and Těsnohlídek, Jakub and Prišťáková, Michaela and Petřík, Jan and Fojtík, Martin and Zubalík, Jiří and Kapavík, Radim and Tajkov, Peter}, volume={61}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Archaeologia Polona}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={On the Slovak side of the Carpathian mountains, the archaeology of the First World War had long been completely outside the scope of research interest. At the same time, conflicts in this region had played a very important role in the initial phase of the war. Here, the Austro-Hungarian army blocked the invasion of the Russian army into Hungary with all its might. This lack of attention changed in the last decade with surveys conducted by our team from Masaryk University. In this short overview we describe and evaluate our main research conclusions so far based on surveys conducted at sites bearing the names of the hills of Staviská, Kobyla, Cingov and Wertyszów. Each of the sites is a place where various military events took place, so we have applied different, mostly non-destructive, methods to their study. Our results are mostly an introduction to the state of research and a review of a decade of expeditions to this unique field of conflict, where the armies learned how to fight in mountainous areas.}, title={Battlefield Archaeology of the First World War in Norhteastern Slovakia}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/240203/276572.pdf}, keywords={First World War, spring 1915, Eastern Slovakia, Carpathian battlefield, Easter battle in the Carpathians, geophysics, metal detecting, non-invasive survey}, }