@misc{Cyngot_Dorota_Analiza_2023, author={Cyngot, Dorota}, volume={68}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Archeologia Polski}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The article showcases the use of methods of the ethnolinguistic Linguistic Worldview (LWV; Polish acronym JOS) approach in archaeology by applying them to a functional analysis of Feature 1/62 excavated at the early medieval Kalisz-Zawodzie stronghold site. This feature, 4.2 m by 3.9 m in size, built of pinewood beams (the trees having been cut down between 990 and 1050 A.D.), was filled with animal bone remains, potsherds and numerous, often damaged, arti-facts of wood, metal, leather and glass. The ethnolinguistic reconstruction of the home concept was deemed useful for the interpretation of this feature in view of its relation to one of the key elements of material culture, which is at the same time an universal value, namely, a building for human habitation. Archaeological interpretations of this feature in the literature as a “hut with a barrel” or “hut of the comes”, confronted with functional attributions as a well or cult object, constitute the premise for such use of the home concept.}, title={Analiza funkcji tzw. chaty z beczką (obiekt 1/62) z grodziska w Kaliszu na Zawodziu. Perspektywa etnolingwistyczna}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/240282/276674.pdf}, keywords={Poland, early medieval period, Kalisz-Zawodzie stronghold site, “hut with a barrel”, ethnolinguistic approach, Linguistic Worldview (LWV), home concept, functional analysis, well, ritual object}, }