@misc{Malinowski_Tadeusz_Narzędzia_1999, author={Malinowski, Tadeusz}, volume={47}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Przegląd Archeologiczny}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={1999}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={Presented here are the musical instruments, devices for making sound effects - and artefacts with whom such a role is ascribed which in complexes representing Przeworsk and Wielbark culture (with Masłomęcz group connecting the elements of Wielbark and Czerniachów culture), West Balt and Czerniachów culture as well as the Dębczyńska group, were discovered. Their creators were communities ethnically diverse so it is impossible to estimate the role of music played in their life. We can yet cherish the hope that also further excavations and some accidental discovery or verification of already known artefacts - in these groups and also some devices not suspected till now to have sound virtue - will unable us to penetrate this part of culture communities in matter}, title={Narzędzia dźwiękowe i instrumenty muzyczne z okresu późnolateńskiego i okresu wpływów rzymskich w Polsce}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/59990/PDF/WA308_79600_PIII149_Narzedzia-dzwiekowe_I.pdf}, keywords={musical instruments, device making sound effects, Przeworsk culture, Wielbark culture}, }