@misc{Ossowski_Waldemar_Problemy_1999, author={Ossowski, Waldemar and Krąpiec, Marek}, volume={47}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Przegląd Archeologiczny}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={1999}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper discusses differences between the results of radiocarbon and dendrochronological dating of boatbuilding relics from the area of Poland. In the case of logboats, limitations in a precise determination of the time of their use, due to the technique of their manufacture, the state of their conservation and the preferences of certain tree species at the construction of the logboats, are indicated. At the example of the wreckage of an early medieval plank boat discovered at Ląd, it is presented that extensive processing of the organic material used for its construction, makes it possible to determine the chronology precisely only on the basis of selected samples. The chronology of this object was corrected to be the years after 1125 AD. The teleconnection with regional oak chronologies reveals that wood used for the construction of the boat from Ląd came from the vicinity of Wrocław}, title={Problemy datowania bezwzględnego najstarszych zabytków szkutniczych z terenu Polski metodą dendrochronologiczną}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/59994/PDF/WA308_79604_PIII149_Problemy-datowania_I.pdf}, keywords={boatbuilding, dendrochronology, early medieval boat}, }