@misc{Bargieł_Barbara_Z_2002, author={Bargieł, Barbara and Libera, Jerzy}, volume={50}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Wrocław}, journal={Przegląd Archeologiczny}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The excavation on a workshop site in Nowy Rachów (site no 3) - on a recently discovered enclave of świeciechowski flint strata, where a production of middle-size double axes took place - for the first time give an opportunity for basic studies on such type of tools in prehistoric Małopolska. The double axes appeared on this area in Corded Ware Beaker Culture. There are several such axes known from this period, deposited in graves, made of świeciechowski flint as well as of other flint rocks. Single specimens made of analysed flint have been found also on cemeteries related to złocka, mierzanowicka and łużycka cultures, or perhaps they were used by trzciniecka culture too. The material obtained during the excavation in Nowe Rachowo let us follow particular phases of double axes production process (four phases - depending on how well worked supposed to be future tools). In the range of material there is possible to distinguished the beginning forms (the phases I - III) and fully shaped semi-products (the phase IV). Their chronology - according to the few fragments of sickle-like knives found at the site, typical for the mierzanowicka culture - seems to be related to this culture}, type={Text}, title={Z badań nad produkcją siekier dwuściennych z krzemienia świeciechowskiego oraz gościeradowskiego}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/60039/PDF/WA308_79765_PIII149_Z-badan-nad-produkcj_I.pdf}, keywords={double axe, świeciechowski flint, Nowy Rachów, mierzanowicka culture, flint workshop}, }