@misc{Kość-Ryżko_Katarzyna_Identity_2016, author={Kość-Ryżko, Katarzyna}, volume={36}, editor={Witkowska, Joanna - Tł.}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Ethnologia Polona}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={Repatriation, understood as a return to the country of ancestors, does not always look like people’s initial mental images prior to departure. The realities often differ from the dreams and after arrival it turns out that everything is different, unknown-foreign. The reality is disappointing but the lack of alternatives is the starting point for the difficult process of cultural adaptation, which is not always successful. In 2000–2008 I conducted field research focused on the experiences of Poles returning from Kazakhstan to the homeland of their ancestors, who as a result of forced deportation to the USSR in the years 1936–1946 were abroad for many years. Their situation was extremely complicated and it was only after the year 1990 that repatriation became possible. Meanwhile, after their arrival to Poland they had to face a number of challenges, includ¬ing public debate about their identity and a questioning of their right to Polish self-identification. In the research it transpired that the “Polishness” of repatriates does not fit the romantic vision shared by some of their compatriots for whom they were too Soviet. The “uprootedness” experienced by the descendants of Poles deported from the country which they longed for many years was much more severe than the one they felt in Kazakhstan. In this paper I discuss a number of issues related to the impact of specific imaginations and expectations preceding their decision to migrate on their later life satisfaction and cultural adaptation}, title={Identity Dilemmas of Polish Repatriates from Kazakhstan – Between Fulfilment, Hope and Disappointment}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/61299/PDF/WA308_80390_P368_Identity-Dilemmas-of_I.pdf}, keywords={repatriation, identity, cultural adaptation, acculturation, life satisfaction, Cantril’s Self- Anchoring Ladder}, }