@misc{Sztandara_Magdalena_Był_2016, author={Sztandara, Magdalena}, volume={14}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Journal of Urban Ethnology}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, language={pol}, abstract={The premiere of the Bio je lijep i sunčan dan, directed by Tanja Miletić-Oručević in Sarajevo War Theatre (SARTR) took place in May 2012. This date was chosen deliberately: both the month and the year alluded to the dramatic story of the siege of Sarajevo and to the day in which the theatre was founded. The performance is based on a book which consists of the memories of townspeople from only one day – 2 May 1992 – in Sarajevo. Their authors represent different age, social and professional groups and each of them writes about personal experiences that constitute the collective memory of the first day of the siege. The article is an attempt to explain the strategy of the theatre project, its relevant contexts and further consequences. The object of reflection is not the review of the performance, but rather its documentary dimension, also based on interviews with its director. In this case, a performance is a frame that can be used for consideration and problematizing some cultural practices of expressing important experiences, politics of memory and the process of constructing meaningful strategies of the narrations}, title={Był piękny i słoneczny dzień... O „wyciszanych” narracjach mieszkańców Sarajewa}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/61703/PDF/WA308_81113_P714_Byl-piekny-i-slonecz_I.pdf}, keywords={Sarajevo, May 2 1992, politics, theatre, document, Miletić-Oručević}, }