@misc{Kabzińska_Iwona_Jubileusz_2016, author={Kabzińska, Iwona}, volume={60}, number={1-2}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Etnografia Polska}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The 60th anniversary of Etnografia Polska is a good occasion to look at the origins of the journal and to reflect on the continuity of the approaches applied by its founders and the introduced changes. These concern, first of all, the problems raised by the authors publishing in the journal, in expanding the areas of research, in the terminology applied, in cooperation with other disciplines of human sciences, as well as the connections with various approaches in ethnology and cultural anthropology and innovation of research suggested by particular authors.The texts published in the recent decade have been analysed in a detailed way. Their subjects include: ethnic problems, intercultural contact, systemic transformation and changes connected with globalization, the functioning of information society, the anthropology of politics, migrations, urban anthropology, medicine, media, dialogue (between cultures, religious groups and in politics), the anthropology of business and management and the connections between human sciences and economy. Other subjects concerned the cultural phenomenon of memory and forgetting as well as the history of the discipline. According to the author all those subjects will be developed in the near future. The subjects that will be studied more intensely than hitherto will concern security in the broad sense of the word. More attention will be dedicated to growing numbers of various groups of migrants.Ethnologists/anthropologists will also conduct research into privileged groups, organizations and groups with strong social position. Another field of reflection whose development we should expect is, according to the author, autoethnography/autoanthropology. It is connected with ethical problems, deep reflection of the phenomena studied and with the experience of the study}, title={Jubileusz sześćdziesięciolecia "Etnografii Polskiej". Kontynuacja początkowa założeń - nowe nurty i tematy - pytania i refleksje}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/61763/PDF/WA308_81474_P326_Jubileusz-szescdzies_I.pdf}, keywords={“Etnografia Polska", history of journal, anniversary, scope of articles}, }