@misc{Linda-Grycza_Katarzyna_Polityka_2016, author={Linda-Grycza, Katarzyna}, volume={60}, number={1-2}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Etnografia Polska}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={The focus of the article is the issue of language policy on its international, national and regional levels, discussed in the context of the multicultural and multilingual region of Catalonia, Spain. In this district, regional languages have a stronger position than the dominant language of the country – Spanish (Castilian). Cultural identity of ethnic Catalans may be characterized by a clearly dominant linguistic identity, centered around so-called regional languages.The text is based on both literature and ethnographic fieldwork that had been conducted between 2010–2012. Formal and informal aspects of language policy, as well as beliefs and attitudes of the inhabitants Catalonia with respect to multilingualism are being analyzed.Results of the field study are presented using the anthropology of language planning and policy approach}, title={Polityka językowa w ujęciu formalnoprawnym i etnograficznym, na przykładzie hiszpańskiego regionu Katalonii i jego mieszkańców}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/61768/PDF/WA308_81479_P326_Polityka-jezykowa-w_I.pdf}, keywords={Catalonia, anthropology of language planning and policy, multilingualism, language policy}, }