@misc{Chowaniec-Rylke_Anna_Posiłek_2018, author={Chowaniec-Rylke, Anna}, volume={62}, number={1-2}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 3.0 PL license}, journal={Etnografia Polska}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={LCHAD deficiency is a rare metabolic disorder. Patients’ bodies cannot produce an enzyme necessary in breaking fatty acids which makes it impossible to produce energy from that source, leaving glucose as the only fuel for the body. There is no known cure or medicine for LCHADD, but with proper care – strict fat-free, high-calorie diet – patients can survive and thrive. The dietary requirements are becoming the central issue in lives of the families with LCHADD child. Drawing from more than a two-year-long ethnographic fieldwork among Polish families struggling with this disease I argue, that strict diet influences family relations, and food becomes a lens through which gender roles, social definitions of disability and family dynamics can be seen}, title={Posiłek co dwie godziny, czyli o relacjach rodzinnych, „zarządzaniu” dietą i definicjach niepełnosprawności w przypadku rzadkiej choroby metabolicznej}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/73426/PDF/WA308_94474_P326_Posilek-co-dwie-godz_I.pdf}, keywords={Medical anthropology, food studies, rare diseases, genetic disorders, disability, gender}, }