RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Description = "The photograph shows an eight\-person family posing for a picture inside the apartment. In the foreground you can see three girls around the age of 4 to 12 years old dressed in the same white dress with the so\-called sailor collars. After the right side of girls sits an older man in a dark suit and a white shirt with a bow tie, and on the left sits a woman in a black dress. Behind the table stand a teenage girl and two young men. The girl is dressed in a white dress with short sleeves and boys in suits. On the wall behind them hangs a big wall clock, on both its sides are visible pictures \(probably of religious content\) visible only in part. On the table, in a slim and high glass flacon stands a bouquet of flowers. All people seen in a photo have a serious expression on their faces"]

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