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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = "Palaeolithic"]

Number of results: 120

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Blok krzemienny 131 [brak danych] paleolit schyłkowy / mezolit ?

Archaeological artifact

Vermeersch, Pierre M. Paulissen, Etienne Van Peer, Philip


Bobak, Dariusz Łanczont, Maria Nowak, Adam Mroczek, Przemysław Połtowicz-Bobak, Marta Standzikowski, Karol


Faragó, Norbert Péter, Réka Katalin Viktorik, Orsolya Máté, László Mester, Zsolt


Single platform blade core Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Single platform blade core Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Blade Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Blade Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Backed piece Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Multi-functional tool Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Perforator Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Single platform blade core Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Double platform blade core Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Double platform blade core Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

Single platform blade core Pleistocene, Late Palaeolithic (Alleröd - Younger Dryas, GI-1a - GS-1)

Archaeological artifact

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