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“And it All Happened in Our Lifetime” – Progress and Comfort: The Meaning of Technology Domestication Practices


Etnografia Polska 64 z. 1-2 (2020)


Zalewska, Joanna


Granas, Michelle. Tł.


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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24 cm

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Subject and Keywords:

comfort ; domestication of technology ; modernity ; Peoples Republic of Poland ; Poland ; social practices ; progress


The domestication of technology in People’s Republic of Poland was the key factor in the shift towards consumer society. Drawing upon ethnographic data, this article discusses the meanings of the social practices of domestication of technologies in the second half of the twentieth century in Poland. The practices of domestication of technologies were organized around the meanings of progress and comfort. The discourse of progress was legitimized and propagated by the socialist state. The narratives of comfort were rooted in everyday experience of the interlocutors. The meanings of the practices of domestication of technology differed among historical generations


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Etnografia Polska





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