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Title: Terra Sigillata and coins : an exceptional case of Eastern Sigillata C /C¸ andarli Ware stamping inspired by mid--second century Pergamene coinage


Domżalski, Krzysztof ; Jaworski, Piotr (archeolog)

Date issued/created:


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Archeologia T. 61 (2010)


Wydawnictwo IAE PAN

Place of publishing:



il. ; 31 cm

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The aim of this short communication is to discuss a figurative and inscribed stamp on an Eastern Sigillata C/Çandarli Ware vessel fragment found recently by German archaeologists during the field survey in Elaia. A closer look at this find allowed the present authors to identify the stamp as a replica of a composition seen on the reverse of bronze coins struck in Pergamon under Antoninus Pius, showing the Capricorn with a globe and cornucopia, and an inscription nEPrAMH/NQN below. The presentation of this so far unparalleleddiscovery is preceded and followed by some comments on the character of Eastern Sigillata stamping, production of terra sigillata in and around Pergamon as well as on the Roman imperial iconography in the Pergameneand related coinage from the reign of Augustus until the Antonine period


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