RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Pars pro toto i monosandalizm (na kanwie monografii Thorsberger Moor)


Baranowski, Tadeusz

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Pars pro toto and monosandalism (based on the Thorsberger Moor monograph) ; Archeologia Polski T. 63 (2018)


Zych, Iwona : Tł.


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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24 cm

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Weapon offering deposits have been discovered on peat-bog cult sites from the Roman period in Denmark and Germany; Thorsberger Moor near Schlezwig is one of the better known sites of this kind. Publications are useful for in-depth analysis and interpretation of different aspects of culture. Intentionally destroyed weapons of defeated enemies are believed to have been deposited as offerings. One example of this way of thinking in reference to Thorsberg is the presence, almost without exception, of the left shoes. This example of monosandalism, which appears in different cultures starting with the ancient Greeks, is not pars pro toto evidence of human offerings, especially in view of finds of this kind from Alken Enge near Illerup Ådal


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Archeologia Polski



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