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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Sigismud III Vasa \(king of Poland and Sweden \; 1566\-1632\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Władysław IV Vasa \(King of Poland \; 1595\-1648\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = 16th \-17th c. \-\- Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polish modern coins] OR [Subject and Keywords = coins of Sigismud III Vasa] OR [Subject and Keywords = coins of Władysław IV Vasa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polish state finances in modern era] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zygmunt III Waza \(król Polski i Szwecji \; 1566\-1632\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Władysław IV Waza \(król Polski \; 1595\-1648\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = 16\-17 w. \-\- Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = monety polskie nowożytne] OR [Subject and Keywords = monety Zygmunta III Wazy] OR [Subject and Keywords = monety Władysława IV Wazy] OR [Subject and Keywords = finanse państwa polskiego w o. nowożytnym] OR [Title = Coins of kings Zygmunt III and Władysław IV \: state of investigations and perspectives] OR [Title = Coins of kings Zygmunt III and Władysław IV \: state of investigations and perspectives] OR [Creator = Wojtulewicz, Henryk] OR [Creator = Wojtulewicz, Henryk]

Number of results: 16

Items per page:

Samojlik, Tomasz Jędrzejewska, Bogumiła Krasnodębski, Dariusz Olczak, Hanna


Lepszy, Leonard (1856–1937)


Poklewski-Koziełł, Tadeusz (1932–2015)


Smolarek, Przemysław


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