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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Neolithic \-\- Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = Neolithic environment] OR [Subject and Keywords = Neolithic settlement] OR [Subject and Keywords = prehistoric forests] OR [Subject and Keywords = paleobotany] OR [Subject and Keywords = charcoal analysis] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bronocice \(Poland\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = neolit \-\- Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = środowisko naturalne neolitu] OR [Subject and Keywords = osadnictwo neolitu] OR [Subject and Keywords = lasy pradziejowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = paleobotanika] OR [Subject and Keywords = węgli drzewnych analizy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bronocice \(Polska\)] OR [Title = Neolithic Forest Composition As Reflected By Charcoal Analysis From Bronocice Poland] OR [Title = Neolithic Forest Composition As Reflected By Charcoal Analysis From Bronocice Poland] OR [Creator = Milisauskas, Sarunas] OR [Creator = Milisauskas, Sarunas]

Number of results: 895

Items per page:

Milisauskas, Sarunas


Wasylikowa, Krystyna Starkel, Leszek Niedziałkowska, Ewa Skiba, Stefan Stworzewicz, Ewa


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