Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Białowieża National Park \(Poland\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = botany] OR [Subject and Keywords = climat changes and vegetation] OR [Subject and Keywords = vegetation researches] OR [Subject and Keywords = Białowieski Park Narodowy \(Polska\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = botanika] OR [Subject and Keywords = zmiany klimatu a roślinność] OR [Subject and Keywords = roślinności badania] OR [Title = Naturalne i antropogeniczne zmiany roślinności Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego] OR [Title = Naturalne i antropogeniczne zmiany roślinności Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego] OR [Creator = Borowik\-Dąbrowska, Maria] OR [Creator = Dąbrowski, Mieczysław Jan] OR [Creator = Borowik\-Dąbrowska, Maria] OR [Creator = Dąbrowski, Mieczysław Jan]