Search for: [Subject and Keywords = ethnography] OR [Subject and Keywords = social culture] OR [Subject and Keywords = social life] OR [Subject and Keywords = material culture] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gauri Dance] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bhils] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rajasthan] OR [Subject and Keywords = South Asia \(India, Pakistan\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = etnografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura społeczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = życie towarzyskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura materialna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Święto Gauri] OR [Subject and Keywords = Radżastan] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bhilowie \(plemię\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Azja Południowa \(Indie, Pakistan\)] OR [Title = Gauri Dance, Bhils \(Iconographic document\)] OR [Title = Święto Gauri, Bhilowie \(Dokument ikonograficzny\)] OR [Creator = Demski, Dagnosław] OR [Creator = Demski, Dagnosław]