RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Boleslaw I the Cruel \(Czech prince \; after 903\-973\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Boleslaw II the Pious \(Czech prince \; .\-999\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = 9th\-10th c. \-\- Czech Republic] OR [Subject and Keywords = Czech coinage \-\- beginnings] OR [Subject and Keywords = early medieval Czech coins] OR [Subject and Keywords = early medieval Czech denarii] OR [Subject and Keywords = coins of Boleslaw I the Cruel] OR [Subject and Keywords = coins of Boleslaw II the Pious] OR [Subject and Keywords = chronology of Czech coins] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bolesław I Srogi \(książę czeski \; p. 903\-973\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bolesław II Pobożny \(książę czeski \; .\-999\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = 9\-10 w. \-\- Czechy] OR [Subject and Keywords = mennictwo czeskie \-\- początki] OR [Subject and Keywords = monety czeskie wczesnośredniowieczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = denary czeskie wczesnośredniowieczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = monety Bolesława I Srogiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = monety Bolesława II Pobożnego] OR [Subject and Keywords = chronologia monet czeskich] OR [Title = O chronologii denárů Boleslava I. a Boleslava II. \: \[příspěvek k určení nejstarších českých mincí\]] OR [Title = O chronologii denárů Boleslava I. a Boleslava II. \: \[příspěvek k určení nejstarších českých mincí\]] OR [Creator = Katz, Viktor \(1880–1940\)] OR [Creator = Katz, Viktor \(1880–1940\)]

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