Search for: [Subject and Keywords = 17th c. \-\- Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = Great Poland \(Poland\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = modern small towns in Great Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = modern burgher testaments] OR [Subject and Keywords = modern probate inventories] OR [Subject and Keywords = modern burgher estates] OR [Subject and Keywords = 17 w. \-\- Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wielkopolska \(Polska\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = miasteczka wielkopolskie nowożytne] OR [Subject and Keywords = testamenty mieszczan nowożytne] OR [Subject and Keywords = inwentarze pośmiertne o. nowożytnego] OR [Subject and Keywords = majątki mieszczan o. nowożytnego] OR [Title = Rzeczy „stare” i „cenne” w testamentach i inwentarzach mieszczańskich małych miast Wielkopolski w XVII w.] OR [Creator = Głowacka\-Penczyńska, Anetta]