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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Osieczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = post\-Evangelical property] OR [Subject and Keywords = temple] OR [Subject and Keywords = parish] OR [Subject and Keywords = nationalization] OR [Subject and Keywords = immovable] OR [Subject and Keywords = furnishings] OR [Subject and Keywords = Osieczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = mienie poewangelickie] OR [Subject and Keywords = świątynia] OR [Subject and Keywords = parafia] OR [Subject and Keywords = nacjonalizacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = nieruchomość] OR [Subject and Keywords = wyposażenie] OR [Title = Dzieje zagospodarowania mienia poewangelickiego w Osiecznej po 1945 r.] OR [Creator = Gendera, Adrian]

Number of results: 730

Items per page:

Drzewiecki, Bartosz Stańczyk, Sebastian


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