RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Brain \- physiology \- research] OR [Subject and Keywords = Animals \- brain physiology \- conditioned reflex \- higher nervous activity] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mózg \- fizjologia badanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zwierzęta \- fizjologia mózgu \- odruch warunkowy \- wyższa aktywność nerwowa] OR [Title = Les réflexes conditionnels\: étude objective de l'activité nerveuse supérieure des animaux] OR [Creator = Pavlov, Ivan Petrovič \(1849–1936\)] OR [Creator = Gricouroff, N. Tłumacz] OR [Creator = Gricouroff, G. Tłumacz]

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