@misc{Pope_Alexander_(1688–1744)_Listy_1794, author={Pope, Alexander (1688–1744) and Dorat, Claude-Joseph (1734–1780) and Colardeau, Charles Pierre (1732–1776). Tłumacz and Chomentowski, Stefan. Tłumacz and Węgierski, Tomasz Kajetan (1756–1787). Tłumacz and Dufour, Piotr (1730–1797). Drukarz}, copyright={Public Domain}, address={W Warszawie}, howpublished={online}, year={1794}, publisher={w Drukarni P. Dufour ...}, language={pol}, type={Text}, title={Listy Heloizy y Abeilarda}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/ibl/Content/232812/PDF/WA248_269266_XVIII-1-1542_listy-heloizy_o.pdf}, keywords={Polish poetry - 18th c., English poetry - Polish translation - 18th c., French poetry - Polish translation -18th c.}, }