RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Stanisław Lem’s works] OR [Subject and Keywords = utopia] OR [Subject and Keywords = science fiction] OR [Subject and Keywords = anti\-utopia] OR [Subject and Keywords = open spaces] OR [Subject and Keywords = closed space] OR [Subject and Keywords = grotesque] OR [Subject and Keywords = circular mythical time] OR [Subject and Keywords = linear historical time] OR [Subject and Keywords = intertextuality] OR [Subject and Keywords = allusiveness] OR [Subject and Keywords = cognition] OR [Subject and Keywords = essay] OR [Subject and Keywords = axiology] OR [Subject and Keywords = polemics] OR [Subject and Keywords = creation of characters of extraterrestrial beings] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lem’s readings] OR [Subject and Keywords = concept of evolution of reason] OR [Subject and Keywords = philosophy of terrorism] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Stanisława Lema] OR [Subject and Keywords = fantastyka naukowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = utopia] OR [Subject and Keywords = antyutopia] OR [Subject and Keywords = groteska] OR [Subject and Keywords = przestrzeń otwarta] OR [Subject and Keywords = przestrzeń zamknięta] OR [Subject and Keywords = kolisty czas mityczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = liniowy czas historyczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = intertekstualność] OR [Subject and Keywords = aluzyjność] OR [Subject and Keywords = poznanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = esej] OR [Subject and Keywords = aksjologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = polemika] OR [Subject and Keywords = kreowanie postaci istot pozaziemskich] OR [Subject and Keywords = lektury Lema] OR [Subject and Keywords = koncepcja ewolucji rozumu] OR [Subject and Keywords = filozofia terroryzmu] OR [Title = \"Wszechświat Lema\", Jerzy Jarzębski, „Kalendarium życia i twórczości Stanisława Lema”, oprac. Alina Doboszewska, indeksy Anita Kasperek, wyd. 1, Kraków 2003] OR [Creator = Smuszkiewicz, Antoni]

Number of results: 295

Items per page:

Momro, Jakub


Czapliński, Przemysław Tabaszewska, Justyna


Tabakowska, Elżbieta Majewska, Małgorzata


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