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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = man] OR [Subject and Keywords = history] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stanisław Barańczak Atlantyda \(Atlantis\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = making concrete] OR [Subject and Keywords = double nature of discourse] OR [Subject and Keywords = symbolism] OR [Subject and Keywords = historiosophy] OR [Subject and Keywords = initiation] OR [Subject and Keywords = sacrum] OR [Subject and Keywords = introspection] OR [Subject and Keywords = martial law] OR [Subject and Keywords = life] OR [Subject and Keywords = death] OR [Subject and Keywords = człowiek] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Atlantyda Stanisława Barańczaka] OR [Subject and Keywords = śmierć] OR [Subject and Keywords = sacrum] OR [Subject and Keywords = konkretyzacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = życie] OR [Subject and Keywords = stan wojenny] OR [Subject and Keywords = introspekcja] OR [Subject and Keywords = inicjacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = podwójność dyskursu] OR [Subject and Keywords = historiozofia] OR [Subject and Keywords = symbolizm] OR [Title = Ocalony w gmachu wiersza. Człowiek wobec Historii w „Atlantydzie” Stanisława Barańczaka] OR [Creator = Kandziora, Jerzy]

Number of results: 1 558

Items per page:

Sławiński, Janusz


Korzeniewicz, Maria


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