RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Greek antiquity] OR [Subject and Keywords = reinterpetation of tradition] OR [Subject and Keywords = christianity] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rainer Maria Rilke’s works] OR [Subject and Keywords = Antoni Malczewski’s works] OR [Subject and Keywords = Romanticism] OR [Subject and Keywords = Roman antiquity] OR [Subject and Keywords = cultural paradigm] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mediterranean tradition] OR [Subject and Keywords = national identity] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cyprian Norwid’s works] OR [Subject and Keywords = Adam Mickiewicz’s works] OR [Subject and Keywords = Teofil Lenartowicz’s writings] OR [Subject and Keywords = Juliusz Słowacki’s works] OR [Subject and Keywords = antyk grecki] OR [Subject and Keywords = antyk rzymski] OR [Subject and Keywords = tożsamość narodowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Cypriana Norwida] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Antoniego Malczewskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = paradygmat kulturowy] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Rainera Marii Rilkego] OR [Subject and Keywords = tradycja śródziemnomorska] OR [Subject and Keywords = reinterpretacja tradycji] OR [Subject and Keywords = chrześcijaństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = pisma Teofila Lenartowicza] OR [Subject and Keywords = romantyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Juliusza Słowackiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Adama Mickiewicza] OR [Title = Antyk romantyków \- model europejski i wariant polski. Rekonesans. Pod redakcją Marii Kalinowskiej i Bogny Paprockiej\-Podlasiak. \(Toruń 2003\)] OR [Creator = Kuziak, Michał]

Number of results: 490

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Szturc, Włodzimierz


Piętka, Radosław


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