RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = tradition] OR [Subject and Keywords = Włodziemirz Odojewski’s late works] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gustaw Herling\-Grudziński’s late works] OR [Subject and Keywords = Władysław Terlecki’s late works] OR [Subject and Keywords = old age] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cyprian Norwid’s works] OR [Subject and Keywords = comprehension of the past] OR [Subject and Keywords = postmodernism] OR [Subject and Keywords = analytical philosophy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hans Moraves’s The Future of Robotand Human Intelligence] OR [Subject and Keywords = periodization of 19th century] OR [Subject and Keywords = culture of the USA] OR [Subject and Keywords = American Romanticism] OR [Subject and Keywords = reception of Adam Mickiewicz’s Lozanna lyrics] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mickiewicz’s prophetism] OR [Subject and Keywords = avant\-guard of the interwar period] OR [Subject and Keywords = former music] OR [Subject and Keywords = Old Polish drama] OR [Subject and Keywords = figure of Julian the Apostate] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zygmunt Krasiński’s conservatism] OR [Subject and Keywords = tradycja] OR [Subject and Keywords = muzyka dawna] OR [Subject and Keywords = późna twórczość Gustawa Herlinga\-Grudzińskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Cypriana Norwida] OR [Subject and Keywords = starość] OR [Subject and Keywords = późna twórczość Władysława Terleckiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = awangarda Dwudziestolecia międzywojennego] OR [Subject and Keywords = filozofia analityczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = pojmowanie przeszłości] OR [Subject and Keywords = postmodernizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = recepcja liryków lozańskich Adama Mickiewicza] OR [Subject and Keywords = komunitaryzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = The Future of Robotand Human Intelligence Hansa Moravca] OR [Subject and Keywords = amerykański romantyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = profetyzm Mickiewicza] OR [Subject and Keywords = periodyzacja XIX wieku] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura Stanów Zjednoczonych] OR [Subject and Keywords = dramat staropolski] OR [Subject and Keywords = postać Juliana Apostaty] OR [Subject and Keywords = konserwatyzm Zygmunta Krasińskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = późna twórczość Włodzimierza Odojewskiego] OR [Title = \"Na początku wieku \: rozważania o tradycji\", red. Zofia Trojanowiczowa, Krzysztof Trybuś, indeks sporządziła Małgorzata Szkudlarska, Poznań 2002] OR [Creator = Buryła, Sławomir]

Number of results: 296

Items per page:

Wilkoszewska, Krystyna


Porębski, Mieczysław


Korwell, Karol (1809–1850) Józef Unger (Warszawa)


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