RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Młodecki, Kazimierz] OR [Subject and Keywords = Młodecki, Stanisław] OR [Subject and Keywords = Brzostowski, Ignacy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Law \- Poland \- 18th c.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Młodecki, Kazimierz] OR [Subject and Keywords = Młodecki, Stanisław] OR [Subject and Keywords = Brzostowski, Ignacy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Prawo \- Polska \- 18 w.] OR [Title = Libellus Gravatorialis Ex Parte Casimiri Młodecki Accusantis, per accusatum Homicidam de Patricidio provocati, dein revocati, contra Sententiam Judicii Terrestris Sandomiriensis Exhibitus.]

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