RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Franciszek Dionizy Kniaźnin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rolf Fieguth] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Kochanowski] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anacreon] OR [Subject and Keywords = Latin poetry] OR [Subject and Keywords = lyrical cycle] OR [Subject and Keywords = collection of poems] OR [Subject and Keywords = enlightenment] OR [Subject and Keywords = 18th c. poetry] OR [Subject and Keywords = sentimentalism] OR [Subject and Keywords = rococo] OR [Subject and Keywords = ancient tradition] OR [Subject and Keywords = Franciszek Dionizy Kniaźnin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rolf Fieguth] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Kochanowski] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anakreont] OR [Subject and Keywords = poezja łacińska] OR [Subject and Keywords = cykl liryczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = zbiór wierszy] OR [Subject and Keywords = oświecenie] OR [Subject and Keywords = poezja XVIII wieku] OR [Subject and Keywords = sentymentalizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = rokoko] OR [Subject and Keywords = tradycja antyczna] OR [Title = W oczach „późnej potomności”. Wiersze Franciszka Dionizego Kniaźnina. Rec.\: Rolf Fieguth, „Sobie wielki”. O pięciu zbiorach lirycznych Franciszka Dionizego Kniaźnina. Warszawa 2018] OR [Creator = Chachulski, Tomasz]

Number of results: 694

Items per page:

Dębicki, Ludwik Zygmunt (1843–1908)


Kopczyński, Andrzej Onufry (1735–1817) Smuglewicz, Franciszek (1745–1807) Gröll, Karol (1770–1857)


Durini, Angelo Maria (1725–1796) De Sanctis, Alessandro


Putanowicz, Józef Alojzy (1737–1788)


Łabęcki, Adam (1730–1818)

[ante 1 VII 1794]

Rzewuski, Wacław (1706–1779) Rogaliński, Józef Feliks (1728–1802)

[post 10 IX 1773]
Old print

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