Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Polish Jews] OR [Subject and Keywords = legal status] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jewish religious communities] OR [Subject and Keywords = education] OR [Subject and Keywords = emigration] OR [Subject and Keywords = national minorities] OR [Subject and Keywords = the 20th century] OR [Subject and Keywords = Żydzi polscy] OR [Subject and Keywords = status prawny] OR [Subject and Keywords = gminy wyznaniowe żydowskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = szkolnictwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = emigracja] OR [Subject and Keywords = mniejszości narodowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = 20 w.] OR [Title = Sytuacja Żydów w Polsce w chwili obecnej] OR [Title = Sytuacja Żydów w Polsce w chwili obecnej] OR [Creator = Frenkiel, A] OR [Creator = Frenkiel, A.]