RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = ornatus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jesuit rhetoric] OR [Subject and Keywords = Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zygmunt Lauksmin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Kwiatkiewicz] OR [Subject and Keywords = allegory] OR [Subject and Keywords = metaphor] OR [Subject and Keywords = antithesis] OR [Subject and Keywords = periphrasis] OR [Subject and Keywords = antonomasia] OR [Subject and Keywords = ornatus] OR [Subject and Keywords = retoryka jezuicka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zygmunt Lauksmin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Kwiatkiewicz] OR [Subject and Keywords = alegoria] OR [Subject and Keywords = metafora] OR [Subject and Keywords = peryfraza] OR [Subject and Keywords = antonom] OR [Title = Kategoria ozdobności w retoryce jezuickiej\: Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski, Zygmunt Lauksmin, Jan Kwiatkiewicz] OR [Creator = Ryczek, Wojciech]

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