RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Stanisław Maykowski] OR [Subject and Keywords = “Ojcze nasz” \(“Pater noster”, “The Lord’s Prayer”\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = travesty] OR [Subject and Keywords = blasphemy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lvov] OR [Subject and Keywords = year 1914] OR [Subject and Keywords = Catholic Church] OR [Subject and Keywords = Galician middle schooling] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polish press] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stanisław Maykowski] OR [Subject and Keywords = „Ojcze nasz” \(„Pater noster”\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = trawestacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = blasfemia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lwów] OR [Subject and Keywords = 1914 rok] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kościół katolicki] OR [Subject and Keywords = szkolnictwo gimnazjalne w Galicji] OR [Subject and Keywords = prasa polska] OR [Title = Bluźnierczy ojczenasz Stanisława Maykowskiego \(i corpus delicti\).] OR [Creator = Choroszy, Jan A.]

Number of results: 341

Items per page:

Ewers, Hanns Heinz (1871–1943)

[ante 1923?]

Wójcicki, Kazimierz Władysław (1807–1879) Michalski, Jan (1876–1950)

[19 w.]

Rorty, Richard


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