RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Konstantynowicz, Jan Antoni] OR [Subject and Keywords = Konstantynowicz, Franciszka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ułan, Mustafa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pac, Józef \(ca 1736\-1797\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Law \- Poland \- 18th c.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Konstantynowicz, Jan Antoni] OR [Subject and Keywords = Konstantynowicz, Franciszka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ułan, Mustafa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pac, Józef \(ca 1736\-1797\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Prawo \- Polska \- 18 w.] OR [Title = Sprawa JP. Mustafy Ułana Porucznika J.K.Mci z WWJPP Janem i Franciszką z Wolmerow Konstantynowiczami Komornikami Pttu Grodz. oraz z JWJP. Jozefem Pacem Starostą Wileyskim]

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Potocki, Ignacy (1750–1809)

[po 11 VI] 1772
Old print

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