Search for: [Subject and Keywords = ethics] OR [Subject and Keywords = metaphysics] OR [Subject and Keywords = testimony] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polish poetry \- 20th \-21st century] OR [Subject and Keywords = Herbert, Zbigniew \(1924\-1998\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Miłosz, Czesław \(1911\-2004\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = etyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = metafizyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = świadectwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = poezja polska \- 20\-21 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Herbert, Zbigniew \(1924\-1998\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Miłosz, Czesław \(1911\-2004\)] OR [Title = Wymiar etyczny i metafizyczny świadectwa w poezji Zbigniewa Herberta i Czesława Miłosza] OR [Creator = Carpenter, Bogdana]