RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Malinowski, Bronisław] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polish diaries \- 20 c.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bentkowska\- Zielińska, Eugenia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zubrzycka \- Retinger, Otolia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Benówna, Zofia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Czaplicka, Maria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Czerwijowska\-Pratesewicz, Helena] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dembowska \- Romer, Zofia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Nusbaumówna, Halina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wasserberg, Dora] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wasserberg, Paulina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zagórska, Karola] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zagórska, Aniela] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zaborowska, Maria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zieleniewiczówna, Zofia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zieleniewiczówna, Maria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Malinowski, Bronisław] OR [Subject and Keywords = dzienniki polskie \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bentkowska\- Zielińska, Eugenia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zubrzycka \- Retinger, Otolia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Benówna, Zofia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Czaplicka, Maria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Czerwijowska\-Pratesewicz, Helena] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dembowska \- Romer, Zofia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Nusbaumówna, Halina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wasserberg, Dora] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wasserberg, Paulina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zagórska, Karola] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zagórska, Aniela] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zaborowska, Maria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zieleniewiczówna, Zofia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zieleniewiczówna, Maria] OR [Title = Grażyna Kubica, Siostry Malinowskiego, czyli kobiety nowoczesne na początku XX wieku. \(Kraków 2006\)] OR [Creator = Jakubowa, Natalia]

Number of results: 14

Items per page:

Nadana - Sokołowska, Katarzyna


Głowiński, Michał


Srokowski, Stanisław (1872–1950) Drukarnia Dziennika Poznańskiego


Srokowski, Stanisław (1872–1950) Związek Obrony Kresów Zachodnich


Łukasiewicz, Jacek


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