RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz’s Pożegnanie Jesieni \(Farewell to Autumn\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Indian motifs] OR [Subject and Keywords = Edward W. Said’s and Erazm Kuźma’s method] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pożegnanie jesieni Witkacego] OR [Subject and Keywords = motywy Indii] OR [Subject and Keywords = metoda Edwarda W. Saida i Erazma Kuźmy] OR [Title = Indie w „Pożegnaniu jesieni”. Obietnica wyzwolenia czy kolejna inteligentna drwina Witkacego\?] OR [Creator = Iwanek, Krzysztof]

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