RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = literature of Polish baroque] OR [Subject and Keywords = typology of Polish writing of 17th century] OR [Subject and Keywords = erudite historiography] OR [Subject and Keywords = ethics of poetry] OR [Subject and Keywords = publishing control] OR [Subject and Keywords = preventive censorship] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kasper Twardowski’s poetry] OR [Subject and Keywords = monastic culture] OR [Subject and Keywords = Herman Hugos’s Pia desideria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wespazjan Kochowski’s Chrystus cierpiący \(Suffering Christ\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = social sin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Oblężenie Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej \(Siege of Jasna Góra of Częstochowa\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = homo melancholicus] OR [Subject and Keywords = vanitative nature] OR [Subject and Keywords = moral philosophy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Self\-reflection] OR [Subject and Keywords = suffering in the poetry of the 17th century] OR [Subject and Keywords = Daniel Naborowski’s poetry] OR [Subject and Keywords = temporal metaphor] OR [Subject and Keywords = temporal symbol] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski’s biography] OR [Subject and Keywords = eremite tradition] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Andrzej Morsztyn’s erotica] OR [Subject and Keywords = sensualism] OR [Subject and Keywords = eschatological fear] OR [Subject and Keywords = sexualism] OR [Subject and Keywords = literatura polskiego baroku] OR [Subject and Keywords = typologia polskiego piśmiennictwa XVII wieku] OR [Subject and Keywords = historiografia erudycyjna] OR [Subject and Keywords = etyka poezji] OR [Subject and Keywords = kontrola wydawnicza] OR [Subject and Keywords = cenzura prewencyjna] OR [Subject and Keywords = poezja Kaspra Twardowskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura monastyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pia desideria Hermana Hugona] OR [Subject and Keywords = Chrystus cierpiący Wespazjana Kochowskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = grzech społeczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = Oblężenie Jasnej Góry Częstochowskiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = homo melancholicus] OR [Subject and Keywords = wanitatywność] OR [Subject and Keywords = moralistyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = autorefleksja] OR [Subject and Keywords = cierpienie w poezji XVII wieku] OR [Subject and Keywords = dualizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = poezja Daniela Naborowskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = metafora temporalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = symbol temporalny] OR [Subject and Keywords = biografia Stanisława Herakliusza Lubomirskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = tradycja eremicka] OR [Subject and Keywords = erotyka Jana Andrzeja Morsztyna] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Hieronima Morsztyna] OR [Subject and Keywords = sensualizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = lęk eschatologiczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = seksualizm] OR [Title = Literatura polskiego baroku \: w kręgu idei \[Referaty z konferencji zorganizowanej przez Katedrę Literatury Staropolskiej Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego w Kazimierzu nad Wisłą 18\-22 X 1993\], pod red. Aliny Nowickiej\-Jeżowej, Mirosławy Hanusiewicz i Adama Karpińskiego, indeks nazwisk zestawił Dariusz Chemperek, Lublin 1995] OR [Creator = Cieszyńska, Beata]

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