RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = One Thousand and One Nights] OR [Subject and Keywords = Arabic literature] OR [Subject and Keywords = reception] OR [Subject and Keywords = orientalism] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Potocki’s The Manuscript Found in Saragossa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Antoni Malczewski’s Maria] OR [Subject and Keywords = Aleksander Fredro’s Pan Jowialski \(Sir Jowialski\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ryszard Berwiński’s Don Juan poznański \(Don Juan of Poznań\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cyprian Norwid’s Kleopatra i Cezar \(Cleopatra and Caesar\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Narcyza Żmichowska’s Poganka \(Lady Pagan\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kornel Makuszyński’s Awantury arabskie \(Arabic Adventures\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Antoni Słonimski’s Bajka \(Fairy Tale\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Księga tysiąca i jednej nocy] OR [Subject and Keywords = literatura arabska] OR [Subject and Keywords = recepcja] OR [Subject and Keywords = orientalizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie Jana Potockiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = Maria Antoniego Malczewskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pan Jowialski Aleksandra Fredry] OR [Subject and Keywords = Don Juan poznański Ryszarda Berwińskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kleopatra i Cezar Cypriana Norwida] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poganka Narcyzy Żmichowskiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = Awantury arabskie Kornela Makuszyńskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bajka Antoniego Słonimskiego] OR [Title = Recepcja opowieści z cyklu \"Tysiąc nocy i jedna\" w piśmiennictwie polskim] OR [Creator = Rudnicka, Jadwiga]

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